Join / Renew

Tripartite Membership

The tripartite structure of organized dentistry is the most effective vehicle to support dentists’ interests at the national, state and local levels. It provides for a consistent approach and a unified voice on issues affecting the art and science of dentistry and the oral health of the general public. Each level within the tripartite sets its own dues, elects its own officers and directors, and makes decisions on the services and benefits it offers to members. Members of Second District hold membership at all three levels:

  • Local: Second District Dental Society (SDDS)
  • State: New York State Dental Association (NYSDA)
  • National: American Dental Association (ADA)

Becoming a member is easy, and you may apply at any time! We operate on an annual dues cycle, and renewals begin on January 1st of each year.

Apply for or renew your Second District membership via the links below.



If you are currently enrolled in or entering a full-time residency or advanced education program no less than one academic year's duration, apply for membership by completing and returning the Post-doctoral/Resident Membership Application form.

Post-Doctoral / Resident Application

Associate Membership

If you are a licensed dentist practicing outside of the Second District and hold current membership with your state association and the ADA, apply for associate membership using the application form below. Associate members may participate in SDDS endorsed programs where eligible, attend SDDS continuing education programs at the same tuition rate as active members and receive all publications of the Society. Associate membership dues are $60 annually.

SDDS Associate Membership Application